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Blah Blah Blah
He's Cracking
I Want That
Riot Reduction
Frenchman's Wave
Let's Not Get Into Panic Mode!
Eating a Scab
Truth In Advertising
I know some of these words
How Much You Think A Cross Like That Costs?
Rage Rage Fucking Rage
Chatty Cathy
Keegan's Club
Stop Making So Much Noise
Horse Shit!
How Would You Like To Die Today
Kiss My Piss
Shut the door, you're letting bugs in
There There
Start Quipping
Weed Whacker
Shut that shit down
I know words
The wall just got ten feet higher
Your Face Is Haunting
Writing With a Large Group
Ties to the darkside
Look who's back from the dead!
Who cares? I gave you an A
Initial Release
Are you a student here?
Trying To Save a Quarter
No Shit From Anyone
Death floppy
Some dude just stole your shit
New high score
Let's fuckin' rage
Lunch cancelled
Funds for the tennis court
Just kidding, I don't fall
Saltiest lake in the world
Chlamydia is a soup
Weird smells
Get two thumbs up there
Nobody can hear you
Nut up or shut up
I know you don't smoke
Hi, I'm Guy Fieri
Pull Over
Poor Pinkus
Serenity now!
You're an idiot
Mother Fuck
Ladies and gentleman...
I give ya my word
I know shit's bad right now
Everyone gets laid at the white house
So, you smart huh?
That's what I thought
Hold on vato!
Don't be a pussy
If You're Gonna Spew
No Honk Guarantee
California, Beautiful
Flying Somewhere?
Suck Me Sideways
A Butt
Trying To Speak To Me
Made Me Ink
Horny Toad
Dapper Dan Man
Geographical Oddity
Hate The Eagles
Complicated Case
In-N-Out Burger
Heat Up a Brick of Cheese
Dirty Dumb Bitch
No! Please God No!
The voters have spoken
Dong hai defense
I admit it, I panicked
I can't even look at you
Why aren't you eating
I'm gonna choke you to death
I am very very sneaky
Here Ya Go, Sinner
Spread The Good Word
Played me like a fiddle
Congratulations you have a spastic colon
Big Gulps, Huh?
This Is You As An Old Man
Always Blue
Scrape All The Denish Off
What about this guy
You've got a mustache
Hope you're not planning on driving that
Screw him hold out for more
That's what I've been waiting for
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills
In the computer
Have you ever used one of these?
Talking loco
Smoking peyote for six straight days
I have a great fear of tools
She's a delightful girl with a firm grip
I gotta go
I think I'm on to something here
Are you gonna help me or not?
That's a real shame
Kind of a family crisis
Living in a van down by the river
Box of nerds
Center for ants
Black lung
It's a Ford
Wish It Were That Simple
I'll Tell Ya What You Do
Toilet Sounds
Don't Play Lawyer Ball
You Win, Helicopters
Bang Bang
Shit cloud
Calm down
Milking the cow
How's life?
Are you sure this is legal
NTS - Not Too Shabby
LNC - Loud and Clear
The Deanzie Could Use A Drinksy
Chocolate Vanilla Love Sandwich
Checkin Rigmarole
Happy Hour
There's An Afro American Man Standing In My Room
Gravy train with biscuit wheels
Go eat that outside
Would you mind washing off that perfume
Watch the door
I'm sorry did I wake you
Sweeter than yoohoo
I Got Them 20's On There
Sold Me This Shit
Say It Again!
I Feel Five Pounds Lighter
I Can't Get Jiggy With This Shit
Fat Little Cupcakes
Quite pungent
Sixty percent of the time it works every time
I hate your whimper
It's so damn hot
Milk was a bad choice
Watch yourself mister
Mighty Christian Of You
I can take danger
Take a cab
Tastes like homemade licorice
Who said that
What's your name scumbag?
Speak only when spoken to
Not even human beings
Hell, I like you
Hard but fair
Bullshit I can't hear you
Bet it was you
What is this?
Totally and in all other ways inconceivable
This is true love
Am I going mad
It's a jacket!
Eggs Benny
Dwight Schrute Angry False
How fast can you jack off every guy?
Right Seaters
I am a bad man
Game Over
So Approachable
I am the one who knocks
Insanely Idiotic (Academic Decathlon)
What is Best in Life
I'm new! I'm new! I don't know what to do!
Bonar Spit
pa da ta da
She's A Babe
It's Go Time!
What'd You Do?
Paint Chips
Brothers Gotta Hug
Sinkhole De Mayo
Sick Reference Bro
Hairy Beanbag
The Bathroom Is That Way
Beans Above The Frank
Goddamn Gall
Undercutters Pizza
Linden rocked a booty call
Fucking Amateurs
The Rules
I'll Be There Man
Fucking Marmot
Drawing a line in the sand
Find a stranger in the Alps
Fucking Interesting
Fuck Me
Gettin That Fo Sho
We're Bad Guys, It's What We Do
You're Fucking High
Landscape Escape
An oath is an oath
The string is a guide
We're Going Skiing
Really? Is it Good?
Ewok Singing
It's A Giraffe
Rabbits Eat Lettuce
Aint buying this bullshit
The right track
Bill Shakespeare
French fried potaters
What the good fuck?
Wall Street Bullshit
Code Gay
Seven Words
Girth Similarity
A little hair of the dog
I have a question
Covered in dust
Putting On Hats
Mother Fuck!
Your Algorithm Is Solid
Mello Yello, Oreos, and Adderall
Big Fan
A Festivus for the rest of us!
Eating me up inside
Kramer Movie Phone
Happy Birthday? No Such Thing
A Few Words
Doing the drywall up there at the new McDonalds
Cock Gobblers
Not gonna work here anymore
You Can Leave
Name Tags
Getting Pretty Serious
I like her bangs
Discipline your image
Throw a football over them mountains
Dang it!
Worst day of my life
You Gotta Spike Those
Panama Red
Could You Milk Me?
You Tried To Milk Him
Damn Will Will
Shrink Shrink Blinkity Blink
That's it, I'm going fishing
Twig Boy Bureaucrat
Welcome To Costco, I Love You
Fag Talk
Base Your Ass On My Fist
Glorious Morning
Gold Jacket, Green Jacket, Who Gives a Shit?
Concentrate On Golf
Landscaping Duty
The Price Is Wrong
I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast
Better Luck Next Year
Grizzly Adams had a beard
Is Your Butt Okay?
How Does 10 Bucks Sound?
Were You Bitten By A Sheep?
Can You Get That through your Head?
I'm Grape Nose Boy
Watch Your Mouth, You Pestiferous Little Maggot
Ding dong!
Chicken Sandwich
I Wanna Eat Chicken Burgers!
Bueller Bueller Bueller
Not Going To Debate You
No Way, Wade
Funny Looking
The Heck Ya Mean?
You should see the other guy
We're Really Doing Though Aren't We Buddy?!
I just had an idea
Sea Bass
This isn't my real job
Kick his ass Sea Bass!
One pathetic loser
Goodbye my love
Tractor Beam
Our pets heads are falling off!
Pumpkin Pie Hair Cutted Freak
Disco Blows Dogs For Quarters
Hunk Of Fuckin' Cheese
Nose Drums
Satan Santa
She Was Standing Right Over Me
Pretty Good
GUI interface using Visual Basic
It'll Get Ya Drunk
Nice Hat
My Foot!
Tread Lightly
Aaaahh, wire
Yeah I guess so
Where The White Women At?
Vote For Donnelly!
Here's a nice piece of shit
Old Man Clemens
Kid can't even read
Shut Up!
Jack Burton
Father Figure
Ass Of The Ass
Belgian Dip
I've Had Bigger Chunks of Corn In My Crap
This Coffee Smells Like Shit
Down Mini Me
We Do Not Gnaw On Our Kitty
You Gonna Cry?
How About No, Scott
All Lies!
You Look So...
Baby: The Other Other White Meat
Send In The Clone!
I Bid You Adieu
Whoopty Do, What Does It All Mean?
Zip It
I don't understand the question and I won't respond to it
Waited Years To Hear Somebody Say That
The Uppercase A
The Lowercase A
Oh God
Instant Replay
Jungle Theme
I'm Sorry, Dave
I find that to be racist
You married poorly
It's actually pronounced flaccid
The least attractive person I've ever seen
Why are we allowing our own technology to dredge up our painful past
Remember that time in science class
Freaking piece of shit
One nacho
Beer bong for the lady?
That's so romantic
Stay away from women
Lug nut, fixed it
You smell good
In the middle of something
Stop crying
Why are you the way that you are?
Do I stutter?
I don't know much in this crazy world,
3 types of people
Tom Brokaw's a punk
She wants me
Cool Story
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
It's a quest for fun
I'm only kidding with you
Oh wait, youre serious
The Customers Always Right
That shit ain't funny
King Diamond
Hey Everybody!
Do you have any matches
Are you fucking with me?
I get it.
I'm hurt
Glory Hole
Hear you getting fatter
Favorite Little Rascal
Let Me Sleep
Is there are girl you're see'n
Let's dance
Puppy Power
You dont have the scrote
medieval Sizzler
Man of substance
Voodoo ritual
Pull my finger
DIsmembered Head
Hot Dog Costume
Mary Jane
Clean your beans
Like Duck
True love is hard to find
Grilling up some cod
Surveillance Does
Can I Borrow some money
Eww Eww Eww
Gonads for Research
Hand Massage
Rat Poison and Poo
Junk Seen By All
Sorry Bronco
Watching Yourself Cry
Get in there nice and deep like
You're adopted
Lovely Lady
Boom Stick
Your balls are showing
Shadow Puppets
Selfish of me
Request Denied
Nobody messes with the doo
Mommy Rhino
Monopoly guy
I like you
Do not pass go
Do i have something in my teeth
Moose call
Show of affection
That is a very nice hat
Meat popsicle
Clap Clap Clap
Time for revenge
Not smarter, but it might be tougher
You like feet? Me too b
One more time
Can I buy you a fish sandwich?
I'm a millionaire
Sue the school
She's a liar
Comin' to work
Not here, Kansas
Bit in to it
She tore her MCL
He still proposed
I think I want my money back
Charlie, want a refill?
Bold striped shirt
Can't take the time off work
Had his apartment been burglarized?
I have to return some video tapes
Being an adult
RIP Literature
To Alchohol!
The Greatest Snowball
Piss to a shit fight
A Thousand Time Yes
He's a coder
Geo Award
Wheel of Fortune
Market Price
Dave Lyrics
Heil Hitler Bitch
My own private domicile
Yeah Science!
When you think of your superiors what emotions do you feel
That's My Purse, I Don't Know You!
Cat's going to heaven
I'm a disgusting person
Get a scholarship
Thumb is my cock
We slept 18 hours
Peace brother
Get a real job
Thanks a lot
Holy Bejesus
I feel like a slice of butter
I'm Serious
Purple is a fall color
In another life, but not this one
Two in a sack
I'm Smart
Fucking Loser